*THAT’S A QUESTION* Squirrely Question Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Card Games,Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Language Arts,Word

Kids LOVE asking questions. I think they love being asked questions even more though, especially if it’s a fun and silly question, definitely not, “Would you like to do the dishes or sweep the floor?” Obviously . . :) 

But “Which would you miss more if it ceased to exist? A: The color pink or B: Snow in winter? I haven’t met a kid yet who doesn’t like considering such silly possibilities. 

That’s a Question is a game of silly questions. Each player is dealt 5 cards, and the number of cards in the total deck depends on how many players. When that deck runs out or a player’s squirrel reaches the top of the mountain, the game is over and the Master Squirrel is crowned! (Squirrels don’t have a ton to do with the game, but they’re cute and funny and chattery, so it works!)

In addition to a hand of 5 cards, players each get a set of 4 colored tokens (A, B, and 2 “Kicker” tokens) and an acorn/hazelnut (depending on your preference and which side you choose to show).

The active player takes an acorn from the player he wants to ask a question. He then chooses one of the questions:

  • Which of these would you choose?
  • Which would you miss more if it ceased to exist?
  • Whom do you consider worse?

He chooses 2 cards from his hand as answers to the questions and places them on the question board. Each player has to choose which answer the ASKED player will choose and play that token, face down, on the table. 

The ASKER gets a point for each INCORRECT answer, and every player with the correct answer gets a point.

It’s a funny and silly way to have a good time with words, language, getting to know each other, and formulating interesting questions! This word card game is great for parties or gameschooling and is fun to play with friends of all ages! 

Thanks to Czech Games for sharing with us!


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