Popcorn is my favorite pregnancy snack right now, and I love to make it in lots of variations.
My favorite is kettle corn.
I use a Whirley-Pop – it makes delicious popcorn and is so much healthier than the microwave kind. Popcorn really is kind of healthy. Lots of fiber at least…
Anyway, here’s how I make it:
1. Turn stove on to medium/medium high heat
2. Pour 1 T. oil into Whirley Pop
3. Add 1/2 c. popcorn kernels and 1 T. sugar
4. Stir frequently, and as soon as the first kernel pops, pour in another 1 T. sugar
5. Pour out into bowl and salt
6. YUM!
I don’t have a picture of the finished popcorn cause it never lasts long enough…Stay tuned for more popcorn ideas!
What’s your favorite way to have popcorn?
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