*MEDIUM* Word/Party Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Reviews


Age: 14+ 
Players: 2-8
Playing Time: 30-45 minutes
Category: Words/Vocabulary/Card
Gameschool Area: Language Arts
Price: $20
Publisher: Greater Than Games

If you like word and/or guessing games, this game will be right up your alley!

Medium is a word clue guessing game with a fun psychic theme. There are 12 sets of cards (which each have their own neat little slot in the box). To play, pick a couple of the sets, mix them together, mix in the three crystal ball cards, deal six cards to each player, and you’re ready to go!

The first player and the player to his left both choose a card and lay it face up on the table. Those two players have a minute or two to think of a word that connects the two words on the card, or The Medium. The word that’s defined by them or acts as a connection between them. 

The two players count down. Three…Two…One…________! Each says whatever word they think is the medium. 

If it’s a match on the first try, players get a token from the First Attempt Pile of tokens. If not, take the two words just said and attempt a second match between those two words. Each pair of players has three chances to discover The Medium, but every try is worth fewer points. 

Play goes around the table with two adjacent players trying to connect their minds and find The Medium. 

This is such a fun game to play with your family or at a party. It works well with a large group of people and kids can play and have fun, but it’s really fun with adults/older teenagers. It’s fun to see who is on the same mental wavelength, and who just can’t get their minds to meld.

It’s a great word for vocabulary building and to give kids practice thinking of descriptive words. We love to play during our Language Arts time, and the more we play, the better my kids get at thinking about words creatively and melding their minds. It’s a must have for any homeschool/game family!

{Thanks to Greater Than Games for sharing this game with us!}

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