Lava Lamp

by Kelsey Norwood

in Crafts

Summer is a great time to experiment! Yesterday my neighbor taught me how to make a lava lamp, which is a nice and clean inside experiment/science project. He’s 11 and did it in his science class at school to learn about the different properties of things. Here’s how to do it:

homemade lava lamp

1. Gather an empty water bottle, funnel, olive/vegetable oil, food coloring, and a measuring cup (optional).

lava lamp science project

2. Fill the water bottle halfway with oil.

lava lamp science project

3. Squeeze out 5 drops of food coloring.

lava lamp science project

4. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with water.
lava lamp science project

Ta-da!!! Lava lamp! The bubbles are hard to capture with the camera – there are giant ones when you flip it upside down that float around in the center of the bottle and gazillions of little ones that rush up to the top. It’s like being underwater! You’ll just have to try it out yourself to see the spectacular show.

This is a great activity for kids old enough to handle the pouring part, or for younger kids if you want to do it for them, and it will keep them entertained all afternoon, at least! Enjoy!

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