I tried a new basting method on my Riley Blake pirates quilt and loved it. I found this video on YouTube and tried her method and it was so fabulous. It takes time to put together and do, but it’s so easy to quilt and remove the basting when you’re finished and no poking myself with pins or fastening and unfastening safety pins. This is my new method for basting and I will never go back! I like it even better than spray basting.
Spray basting was great because it is so fast, but the quilt I spray basted still looks kind of crinkly and not in a good crinkly-quilt sort of way. And that stuff is stinky and gets everywhere and isn’t a good choice if you’re not going to quilt right away.
So thread basting it is! And rolling the quilt up on boards makes it so easy to do on a table. It really is fantastic – TRY IT!