*TALL TALES* Storytelling Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Reviews,Uncategorized

Age: 4+
Players: 1+
Playing Time: 20 Minutes
Category: Storytelling
Gameschool Area: Language Arts
Price: $30
Publisher: SCS Direct

“I would rather be the children’s story-teller than the queen’s favorite or the king’s counsellor.”
–Kate Douglas Wiggin–
There is no better place in all the world for telling a story than in the home, that institution which is greater and more important than all other institutions combined…There are many homes that cannot afford libraries and the rich adornments of art, but no home is so humble that parents cannot gather the children around the fireside on a winter’s evening or about the doorsteps in the twilight of a summer’s day and tell them stories. A simple fireside is a greater stimulant to the creative imagination than the wealth of a palace.”
–Richard Wyches–

We are a story-loving family.

I read to my children every single day. It’s the one thing I do as a mother that always makes me feel like everything is okay, no matter what else is going on, if we can read a story together, my kids will know I love them and will feel safe and happy. 

But TELLING stories…that is not something I do often at all, and the more I learn about children and education, the more I am convinced that storytelling is just as important, maybe even more important, than reading stories.

To practice, gain confidence, and exercise our storytelling muscles, Tall Tales has been a wonderful resource. I want my kids to learn to tell stories too, so when they have kids, they’ll already know how. It will be as natural to them as reading other people’s stories is to me. 

This game can be played lots of ways, the most important thing to do is tell a story! Choose some little figures out of the magic blue bag and start telling away. Sometimes we tell a group story, sometimes we tell individually, but it’s always a good time. 

My boys love to play with the little pieces. I think they’re telling stories inside their own minds when they do this, and that’s a great storytelling start.

Even my big boys love it!

Stories are the life and light of education. They are delightful and tender, scary and suspenseful. Telling good stories takes practice, and we are loving this game to help us get better.

{Thanks to SCS Direct for sending us this game to facilitate this review. We love it!}


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