Super Dry Skin

by Kelsey Norwood

in Shopping

I have seriously dry skin – a problem that started when I moved from Oregon to Utah. I can add that to the list of things I loved about living in Oregon…

The problem got worse when I started using scented lotion, especially on my legs. I was never one for scented lotion – I had never used it regularly until I got a bunch from Bath & Body Works for bridal shower gifts. I noticed a difference in my skin almost immediately but didn’t figure out the connection until several months later.

My legs itched so bad and I would get rashes. I went to the dermatologist who said I should stop using scented lotion. Since I stopped, the problem has gotten better but has not gone away completely.

st. ives advanced healing lotionst. ives collagen elastin lotion

In the last few years I have tried lots of different lotions and the St. Ives stuff is my favorite. I have the Advanced Healing kind and also the Collagen Elastin kind, both of which really hydrate my skin and sooth the itching. That stuff is great also because it’s completely affordable.

pharmacopia citrus body lotion I recently tried some more expensive, Pharmacopia Citrus Body Lotion. It is completely organic with no synthetic fragrance, which is a big selling point for me. I put this lotion on my hands at night (which are often cracked and sometimes bleeding), and I can still smell it in the morning. It is definitely long lasting, smells so good, and provides immediate relief from the itchy pain. I would recommend this stuff for dry skin if you’re looking for something beyond what you can find at Target or other general merchandise stores.If anyone else has found a good solution for dry skin, let me know. I’m always looking for scent free and intense lotion because as long as I live in Utah I will have dry skin. I can’t wait to move back to the northwest…

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