*POINT SALAD* Set Collection Card Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Card Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Math

Whether you like real gardening or need some inspiration…

If you are a vegetable lover or …need some inspiration, Point Salad might just be your answer!

This fast-paced, card-drafting, set-collecting game is all about the veggies!  

Card games are great because they are really easy to learn, quick to play through, and have the ultimate replayability factor. 

In this game, a 3 x 3  grid makes up the tableau. Two rows are flipped vegetable side up and 1 row is point side up. 

Each turn, players draw either ONE point card or TWO veggie cards and add the drawn card(s) to their own personal face-up tableau. 

A single point card MAY be flipped over to the veggie side once per turn.

If veggie cards were drawn, replace them from the stacks of point cards and play moves to the next player.

Players continue strategically drawing complimentary point and veggie cards to maximize the number of points in their gardens. Once all the cards have been taken, players add up points and the player with the highest score wins! 

Point Salad is a game we can play over and over and over in a single sitting. For gameschooling, we test out different strategy methods (more point cards vs. more veggie cards, limiting point cards to a two or three vegetable types, etc.) and practice arithmetic, and strategic thinking. By the time we’re finished, a nice bowl of raw veggies seems like the tastiest snack in the world! :) 

This game is perfect for families who enjoy card games, who want to teach and give opportunities to practice arithmetic skills, or who plan to study plants/nutrition/health! 

Thanks to Alderac for sharing with us!

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