Something strange happened in my house the other day: My husband re-organized a part of our medicine cabinet.In our bathroom we have a three section medicine cabinet above the sink rather than just a mirror (this is one of my favorite things in our whole house, by the way. Medicine cabinets are AWESOME and help keep the bathroom uncluttered, particularly if you don’t have much drawer/cabinet space).
We keep our toothbrushes in the middle section, which is the narrowest. We had them on the bottom shelf in that section, right where the hinge on the door is. The toothbrushes fit in there just fine, but the toothpaste wouldn’t lay down flat because of the hinges.
So. My husband 1. Noticed. 2. Put some thought into a solution. 3. Carried out his solution. WOW.
He moved the toothbrushes one shelf up! I admit, that little problem has frustrated me, but the thought never crossed my mind to do something about it. I’m not sure why – maybe because I only saw it late at night or early in the morning, the two times I’m least capable of rational thought.
The moral of this little story: Involve your husbands in your household organization. Men are very logical thinkers, and organization is often a problem of simple logic, so ask them to come up with solutions for problem areas and see what happens! Organizing could become a source of family fun!
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