Day 23 – Read a Christmas Poem

by Kelsey Norwood

in Celebrations, Routines, & Traditions,Family Fun

There is something so sweet about poetry. I don’t know what it is, but when I read a simple poem with a clear message I feel a sense of hope and happiness. It’s that feeling that makes me want to change the world. I think that feeling is another name for the Christmas spirit – I happen to feel it all year round when I read a great poem. SOooo, read a poem with your family and see how it makes you all feel.

The lyrics to many popular Christmas songs are poems put to music. Here is one of my favorite Christmas songs/poems from the Children’s Songbook. Instead of singing, try reading the words and holding up each piece of the Nativity as the poem talks about it.


The Nativity Song

This is the season beloved of the year.
Sing a rhyme; Christmastime soon will be here.
Tell the true story of Jesus’ birth,
When as a baby he came to the earth.

This is the new star, shining so bright,
Lighting the world on that first Christmas night.
This is the angel proclaiming the birth,
Singing “Hosanna!” and “Peace on the earth!”

This is the stable, shelter so bare;
Cattle and oxen first welcomed him there.
This is the manger, sweet hay for a bed,
Waiting for Jesus to cradle his head.

These are the shepherds, humble and mild,
Hast’ning to worship the heavenly child.
These are the wise men who followed the star,
Frankincense, gold, and myrrh brought from afar.

See the sweet mother, Mary so fair,
Joseph, who guided the donkey with care.
See the dear baby of Bethlehem,
Little Lord Jesus, the Savior of men. is another great source for Christmas poems and stories.

On a similar note, if you are going to have your kids act out the nativity scene, check out my tutorial on how to make an awesome kids shepherd costume.

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