Book Talk: The Spiderwick Chronicles

by Kelsey Norwood

in Making Good


In the last two nights I’ve read the first two books (The Field Guide and The Seeing Stone) in the five part series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, by Tony DeTerlizzi and Holly Black. I’ve got the third one on reserve at the library, so that’s what I’ll be reading tonight!


These books are quick and fun reads. Twin brothers Simon and Jared and older sister Mallory discover a hidden world of faeries and other creatures. I have seen previews for the movie, which I would imagine tells the story of more than one book, and it looks awesome. I hope it’s as good as the Chronicles of Narnia book-to-movie adaptation!!! These types of movies have a much better chance at success when the books are short like this series is.

Read the books together soon and then go see the movie. Let me know what you think!

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