*ASYMBOL* Creative Reasoning Picture Game

by Kelsey Norwood

in Board Games,Card Games,Games,Gameschooling,Homeschool,Language Arts,Word

What do you get when you combine wooden shapes with word cards with NO TALKING allowed? A super fun creative and imaginative game that helps kids develop a visual vocabulary and life skills. 

Asymbol takes geometric forms and shapes and mashes them up with imagination to help kids to work on complex pattern challenges.

There are 47 wooden shapes/forms included in the game, as well as 112 cards with 2 words on each falling into the following categories: things, places, beings, events/activities.

Each player gets a pass token at the beginning of the game that can be used to opt-out of creating one word during the game. Otherwise, players draw the top card from the deck (keeping it hidden from other players) and choose one of the two words on the card. 

Players use any number of the 47 Asymbol pieces from the play area to create a visual representation of the word. Moving the pieces is allowed, speaking is not. Body language is allowed, hints are not!

There is no time limit and everyone can guess at the same time until either the active player determines that it’s time to move on or a player guesses correctly. Play continues clockwise to the next player and the fun continues!

There is a wide variety of pieces and it’s surprising how easy it is to create a word idea from these shapes! It’s a fun challenge for players of all ages!

The box recommends that this game be played by children 8+, but I think 5+ is actually totally doable!


This is a game full of laughs, joy, and good memory-making times together. 

It’s fun and silly and…sometimes so frustrating! I know what I’m thinking, why don’t YOU know what I’m thinking?!? 

Kids will love the interesting shapes and pieces and you’ll be amazed at how creative and imaginative they are.  Children’s minds are so flexible and creative, they can see all kinds of things in simple shapes, and watching them create and learn through playing games is a delightful experience.

Thanks so much to the wonderful Simply Fun Games for sharing with us!

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