I don’t know about the rest of the boys on the planet, but my two older boys love toys that aren’t really toys best of all.
This Christmas I’m hand making most of their gifts and they’re mostly getting various items for their costume collection. I’m sick of all the toys they don’t play with and I know they love putting on costumes and pretending, so that’s what we’re doing this year!
And for their stockings they’re getting some little gadgets that aren’t really toys but that they’ll love and play with forever:
- glo sticks
- cheap $1 flashlights from WalMart
- cloth tape measure (RETRACTABLE – they love pushing the button and making the tape zoom back into the case, and I don’t want them playing with mine!)
- caribiner clips
- marbles (for their Quadrilla marble run track and whatever else – they use those marbles for EVERYTHING)
- real 12′ toolbox tape measure – I wanted a shorter one but that’s the shortest I could find
- Scotch tape – little boys love tape!
Any more stocking stuffer ideas for little boys???
Merry Christmas!
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