I have altogether too many of my husband’s old shirts lying around, ruined by stains and yellowed sweat-stained collars, etc.
As a result?
The Man Shirt Grocery Bag Dispenser is born.
Take that shirt and cut off its nasty collar.
Turn shirt inside out and sew from the original side seam up through the shoulder seam. Cut the sleeves off leaving a 1/4″ – 1/2″ seam allowance.
Sew the button placket closed.
Sew the bottom hem closed.
Hang from the little loop on the back (found on most men’s woven shirts and stuff through the neck with grocery bags! This is the best solution I’ve found – it’s colorful, thrifty, and holds A TON of bags.
What else can I do with my old shirts??? I need ideas…
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