I found this rug at Target and I loved it for my office, only it’s 5×7, way too big to fit.
So I cut it in half. With scissors. Ack!
It was one of those Here Goes… kind of projects but it worked out so great.
Using the pattern as a guide, I cut the rug exactly in half and then I tried to rebind the cut edge with a satin stitch on my sewing machine, which didn’t work AT ALL.
So I hot glued the raw edge instead. It definitely looks different than the other edges, but since it’s under my desk it’s not noticeable to anyone but me. And since it will eventually bother me, I plan to hand bind the edge to match the others with several strands of embroidery floss. Good thing that stuff comes in a bazillion colors, finding a match shouldn’t be too tough!
I definitely wouldn’t try to resize a rug that will be completely visible, but cutting off an edge that will be underneath something is totally doable.
I love this rug, I have the smaller version in my kitchen and I love it here in my office to protect our wood floors and bring some color and pattern into the room.
My office is getting closer to being finished to my satisfaction, but we’re not there yet. Next on the list is repainting that stool – I got a set of 4 at a thrift store for $20 and with a little paint they’ll be good as new.
Do you have a rug you’ve always wanted to cut down? Go for it!!
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