People with dark skin still need sunscreen – you can have skin damage even if you can’t visibly see it because of the tone of your skin. Waterproof sunscreen does come off somewhat in the water so be sure to re-apply. Sunscreen doesn’t last all day, so re-apply every few hours even if you’re not […]
In order for hand washing to do any good, you have to wash them for more than 5 seconds. A fun idea is to teach kids to wash their hands to “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Sing that song in your head, and when you’re done you know your hands have been sufficiently sanitized. Teaching kids […]
We have really struggled with our son’s night time sleep routine. Recently he has been waking up in the middle of the night for hours at a time, refusing to go back to sleep. Since he was born I have nursed and rocked him to sleep, which worked fine until he learned to sit and […]
My son is getting his first tooth, which reminds me of an experience we had a while ago. When my son was first born, we had a neighbor come to visit with her runny-nosed child. The mother assured me that he wasn’t sick, just teething. THIS IS BALONEY. I asked my doctor about that and […]
Baby teeth fall out in the same order they came in. If you have a child who is teething, print off this baby teeth chart for his baby book and keep track of the order in which his teeth come in. Then when he gets to the age when his baby teeth fall out and his permanent […]
My husband’s grandmother is in the process of dying, and because of this I wanted to write a post advocating hospice and palliative care. Palliative care focuses on making a sick person as comfortable as possible and reducing their symptoms and pain. Hospice is a palliative care program. For my husband’s grandma, a hospice nurse […]